The Movie Wizard

Movies can and will be judged based on artistic value, uniquity, evidence of talent, and valid motivation. Submit requests for reviews, and compare your own views to my past posts to get an idea of where we agree and where we don't!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Movie Wizard

The focus of this website will be to provide useful, insightful, and unapologetic reviews of movies past, present, and future. I have made a semi-academic, totally informal, and (nearly) completely self-guided study of a wide variety of films, but my "Previously Viewed" movies list is not as extensive as I think it should be - and never will be. It's one of those "the more you know, the more you realize what you don't know" kind of things - as I follow the strands that connect one movie to another, following new paths on the great spider web of film history, I discover new pathways that seem to stretch into infinity.

When a movie is submitted to the MPAA for rating, that organization also assigns it a number. Watch the credits of a movie - when it gets to the end of the credits and they have all those official looking logos, one of them is the oval-shaped logo, with latitude and longitude lines on it, looking like one of those maps of the globe. That's the MPAA logo, and the movie's number is listed right there. I have found out that the MPAA does not provide a comprehensive list of these numbers and the movies they are assigned to, but if I were really ambitious I would set out to make my own list. I've signed up for Netflix, I could conceivably watch basically every movie ever put on DVD. The numbers are currently in the 40,000 range, and no I don't know which one is number 1.

Why do I call this blog the Movie Wizard? Because I have developed a fairly reliable sense of prediction - I can tell from the previews whether a movie will be one that I will really enjoy, one that is really worth my time, or a commercialized piece of crap. I set my standards based on the articist value of the movie. Cinema, like literature, music, visual art (and video games!) should be created to certain standards, should spring from a valid motivation (making money != valid motivation), and should be new and unique to the extent that anything can be (see Ecclesiastes). It is simple to see from a preview whether or not a movie meets those criteria (most of the time). So I will help you predict the future, as it were, as your Movie Wizard. Post comments with your requests for movie reviews and I will respond - you will never have to see a bad movie again! (though you may miss out on some mediocre/good ones).


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