The Movie Wizard

Movies can and will be judged based on artistic value, uniquity, evidence of talent, and valid motivation. Submit requests for reviews, and compare your own views to my past posts to get an idea of where we agree and where we don't!

Friday, August 12, 2005

It's Friday!

Here's my predictions for the movies coming out this weekend:

Four Brothers: C3, E4, A3, M-3/+1, TN, Go See It? YES.

Concept 3 because it looks like a strong remake of "The Sons of Katie Elder" (an old John Wayne flick) - four adopted brothers, two black, two white, come together to investigate and avenge their mother's killing. So partially it's a revenge action flick, which has been done, but it has its unique qualities. Entertainment will be high - I'm guessing a 4. Lots of bullets and one-liners with this crew around. Artistry is likely to be low...but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that the dark pathos and emotional interaction of the four men from different walks of life will earn it a 3. Morally it'll get a -3 for all the killing and on the plus depends on what lessons these men learn from their experiences. Talent...I'm really strong on Andre Benjamin, so look for him to surprise you in this movie. But probably not to lift it into the annals of cinematic history. So I guess that's a no. But overall, this is the movie to see this weekend.

The Skeleton Key: C4, E4, A3, M-5/+0, TY, Go See It: Yes*

Concept is higher because though it is a haunted house horror flick, I read spoilers about the ending and it is even better than your usual thriller/twist ending. Also the typical scary stuff is done well here - building the suspense with a unique and interesting story, rather than just cheap scares and screams - so high on entertainment for that reason. Artistry I'm going to give it a mediocre score because I honestly have no idea how to rate the artistry of a horror flick - I don't watch enough of them to know the kinds of themes that are dealt with or how they will be presented in this movie. Morally, there is some pretty disturbing stuff in this movie and without spoiling the ending - well let's just say it's not a happy ending. However some of the acting is quite good, especially given comparison to the horror genre in general, so go see it if you like horror movies. I do not, but plenty of folks do and it looks like this will be a good one.

Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo: C1, E3, A1, M-3/+0, TN, Go See It: No

I shouldn't have to explain why no one should see this movie. Despite the funny sex jokes that may or may not be a rehash of the first movie, there is no way there could ever be anything of value in this film. Sorry.

Pretty Persuasion: C4, E4, A3, M-4/+1, TY, Go See It: No

So...teenagers dealing with the pressures of life and love and sexuality has been done before. So has teenagers manipulating adults by feigning ignorance and innocence while hiding cunning and guile. So this movie isn't terribly original, but it puts the concepts together with a fresh pace and style, and it sets out to tackle several of those kind of hushed-up embarassing topics, which means it will offend you while it makes you laugh. So there's the concept and entertainment scores. Apparently the last chunk of the movie resolves this whole little morality tail without the same sarcastic humor, though, becoming a little obvious in message if not in plot, so artistry falls. Morally you're getting into quite a quagmire here with a teenager accusing a teacher of sexual assault whill fully embracing her own sexuality and ability to manipulate. Some talented acting from the young lady, though, but I'm still not gonna watch this one.

That's all for this weekend, folks - I mean ok there are other movies coming out, but I can't hit 'em all! Learning to love my job...we'll see if any of you agree with me (or if I agree with myself) after seeing these films this weekend!


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